Elemen baru di HTML5
Berikut adalah daftar dari elemen HTML5 baru, dan deskripsi dari apa yang mereka digunakan untuk.
New Semantic / Elemen Struktural
HTML5 menawarkan elemen baru untuk struktur dokumen yang lebih baik:
Tag | Description |
<article> | Defines an article in the document |
<aside> | Defines content aside from the page content |
<bdi> | Defines a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text |
<details> | Defines additional details that the user can view or hide |
<dialog> | Defines a dialog box or window |
<figcaption> | Defines a caption for a <figure> element |
<figure> | Defines self-contained content, like illustrations, diagrams, photos, code listings, etc. |
<footer> | Defines a footer for the document or a section |
<header> | Defines a header for the document or a section |
<main> | Defines the main content of a document |
<mark> | Defines marked or highlighted text |
<menuitem> | Defines a command/menu item that the user can invoke from a popup menu |
<meter> | Defines a scalar measurement within a known range (a gauge) |
<nav> | Defines navigation links in the document |
<progress> | Defines the progress of a task |
<rp> | Defines what to show in browsers that do not support ruby annotations |
<rt> | Defines an explanation/pronunciation of characters (for East Asian typography) |
<ruby> | Defines a ruby annotation (for East Asian typography) |
<section> | Defines a section in the document |
<summary> | Defines a visible heading for a <details> element |
<time> | Defines a date/time |
<wbr> | Defines a possible line-break |
Form baru Elements
Tag | Description |
<datalist> | Defines pre-defined options for input controls |
<keygen> | Defines a key-pair generator field (for forms) |
<output> | Defines the result of a calculation |
Jenis Masukan baru
Jenis Masukan baru | Atribut Masukan baru |
- warna
- tanggal
- datetime
- datetime-lokal
- email
- bulan
- nomor
- jarak
- pencarian
- tel
- waktu
- url
- minggu
- autocomplete
- autofocus
- untuk m
- formaction
- formenctype
- formmethod
- formnovalidate
- formtarget
- tinggi dan lebar
- daftar
- min dan max
- kelipatan
- Pola (regexp)
- placeholder
- wajib
- langkah
HTML5 - Atribut New Sintaks
HTML5 memungkinkan empat sintaks yang berbeda untuk atribut.
Contoh ini menunjukkan sintaks yang berbeda yang digunakan dalam <input> tag:
Type | Example |
Empty | <input type="text" value="John" disabled> |
Unquoted | <input type="text" value=John> |
Double-quoted | <input type="text" value="John Doe"> |
Single-quoted | <input type="text" value='John Doe'> |
Dalam HTML5, keempat sintaks dapat digunakan, tergantung pada apa yang dibutuhkan untuk atribut.
HTML5 Graphics
Tag | Description |
<canvas> | Defines graphic drawing using JavaScript |
<svg> | Defines graphic drawing using SVG |
New Media Elements
Tag | Description |
<audio> | Defines sound or music content |
<embed> | Defines containers for external applications (like plug-ins) |
<source> | Defines sources for <video> and <audio> |
<track> | Defines tracks for <video> and <audio> |
<video> | Defines video or movie content |
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